Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some progress and a List of 100

First of all, as posted in my personal blog Conundrum I was finally relieved of my duties at my job & now I'm a free man. No longer a Nine to Five Zombie \o/

Now, onto serious business.

Yesterday Aditya came over & we(he) tried a List of 100 approach to get his ideas for the game out.
After a brief struggle, which included handing me the pen & notebook after 14 entries saying "here, now your turn", he finally came up a 100 ideas. After that I sat down with him & chalked off quiet a few of them, accepting the ones that we had already discussed, while he sat there looking exasperated, but accepting my superior logic.

Next its my turn to make a List of 100, but its a more difficult one - Skills & Sub-skills :O

Will write about it when done.